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Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it (1 Corinthians 12:27 E)


About Church Membership

As Orthodox Christians who are members of the Body of Christ, we are expected to live a Christian lifestyle which means being active in the sacramental life of the Church by worshiping our God in the Divine Liturgy, striving always to be prepared to receive Holy Communion, as well as practicing the spiritual work of prayer, fasting, confession and caring for others, to the best of our ability. Doing this makes it possible to receive God’s healing grace which will also fill us with an ardent desire to offer back to Christ our Time, Talents and Treasure. 

That is, by participating in or leading parish ministries (Time), by utilizing our abilities or expertise to help with the liturgical, creative or administrative needs of the parish (Talents), and by supporting the church financially with our stewardship gift (Treasure).  Accordingly, members in good standing also benefit by being able to serve on the Parish Council, vote at the general assembly and become sponsors at baptisms and weddings.

How to Become a Member of our Church

In order to become a member of our church, you have to be a Christian  Orthodox, practice the religion, join us for liturgical services, and review the guidelines for Communion. Afterward, you can fill out the membership request form below.  Once you submit the form, we'll review your request and get back to you within 4-5 days. While these are our rules, in general, to be a Christian, you need to be baptized and take communion in addition to having and keeping the faith. Read the Bible to learn more about being Christian. This website attempts to teach you about this in the Teachings page.


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Parish Council Membership Request Form

ዝለቀቅሉ ዓመተ ምሕረት (Year of release)
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Hamere Noh Kidane Mehret Tigrayan Orthodox Tewahedo Church

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10801 E Mississippi Ave #3102,

Aurora, CO 80012

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